Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Responder

Saturday turned out to be an interesting day. Around noon, I went out on our deck to offer my mom lunch. She had been sunning herself for about an hour in 85 degree heat. When she seemed unresponsive. We checked her pulse - normal. No slurred speech. After ten minutes we decided to call 911 to be on the safe side. Three young men, volunteer responders from our town, came in an ambulance, attended to her and had her talking in a few minutes. One of them led the others through a series of verbal checks and administered tests with a portable medical device. Soon she was strapped into a cart, loaded into the ambulance and whisked off to the hospital. As it turned out she was fine, maybe a bit dehydrated.

My wife and I discussed the matter later that night and expressed how thankful we were for people who were skilled to handle emergency situations - first responders - even volunteering their time for others.

This experience reminded me of God, our First Responder. It is unfortunate that Psalm 23 has become relegated to death-bed ministry and funerals due to the line, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...." In fact, the psalm is about all of life: "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." God is our shepherd, our First Responder, in every step of life. We need never walk alone.

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