Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Old Heart, New Heart

David's prayer following his adultery with Bathsheba is a model for us who struggle with sin, especially sin that is under wraps, unseen except by God.

The initial request is for cleansing (v.2, "Wash me," v.7, "purge me… wash"), but in verse 10 David goes deeper:  "Create in me a pure heart oh God." Though most translations render it, "clean heart," the Hebrew word refers to refined gold, that is pure gold - unmixed and without alloy. This is the treasure that David seeks, a heart unfiltered by the desires of the flesh.

Our first impulse is to ask for forgiveness, pardon and covering, a washing away of guilt. But our greatest need is for a nature aligned with God that only He can create in us. Such work is a miracle beyond our ability and it is right that this ruthless, adulterous sinner seek it. "Create in me a pure heart oh God." Frequent visits to God's throne of grace for cleansing can become a trampling of the courts to Him (Isaiah 1.12). Seek instead the miracle of a new heart and a right spirit.

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