An obscure essay in a little volume of C.S. Lewis's works entitled, Christian Reflections, is my inspiration today. "On Culture" discusses the significance of life's pleasures as ekotypes pointing us to the source of all pleasure, God. Lewis pictures a man lapping up sweet dewdrops from the ground, searching for the cup from which the are spilled. At one point he refers to these pleasures as dimmed sunlight from second hand.
Isn't this the way God intended that we view life? We find pleasure in things, people, events and situations and they are good - but not intrinsically, only as expressions of the divine goodness. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of lights..." Second-hand sunlight.
A power nap, a cold beer on a hot day, an hour with a good friend - these and others should be enjoyed and lead us to the enjoyment of God the giver.
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